If you're in the market for a brand-new house or significant renovation, you should shop for your builder as carefully as you shop for your home. Here are some factors to consider to help you choose the right builder:

Can your builder meet your every need from the beginning of the building process until the very end? Is the builder surrounded by an efficient and professional team that can respond to your questions and needs in a timely manner? These questions are incredibly important and you need to be sure your chosen builder can expertly handle every step of construction from start to finish.
Another important question to ask when determining how to choose a builder is whether or not the builder has a reputation for excellence in the community and the industry. Has the builder won any awards or received any good reviews among previous homeowners and within the industry? Is the builder a part of any nationally recognised organisations for home building? Can the builder show you recently completed properties? At a miminum, it is advisable that your builder is a current member of the industry’s peak body – the Master Builder’s Association (MBA).
Of course price is a big factor and should be a major consideration, but not because it’s the highest or the lowest. When tendering for a project, look for the most detailed explanation of the price and also a consistency when comparing multiple quotes.
In general, building a new home is one of the biggest investments you will ever make. One of the most important steps in how to choose a builder is determining if they are trustworthy; you want someone you can trust to make the best possible decisions and work on your behalf. Your satisfaction should rank among the builder’s top priorities.