With Easter just around the corner we are excited to announce that we are running a special COLOUR + WIN kids Easter themed colouring competition!

Winner announcement!
Thank you to all who entered - we were blown away by all the amazing talent from each and every entry!
Major Prize - Easter Books, Plushies & Chocolate Bunny
- Winner: Ages 5 and under - Jasmin G. 5yo
- Winner: Ages 10 and under - Hansaev K. 9yo
- Winner: Ages 10 and over - Violet 11yo
Runners up - Large Chocolate Easter Bunny
- Runner up: Ages 5 and under - Max 3yo
- Runner up: Ages 10 and under - Howie 7yo
- Runner up: Ages 10 and over - Spencer 11yo
Competition ended Tuesday 26th March, 2024 at 5pm.
Competition Prizes Collection - Prizes will be available for collection from Thursday 28th March, 2023.
Competition End Date - Tuesday 26th March, 2024 at 5pm. Any entries received after this time may not be accepted or eligible for the prizes.
Competition Winners Announced - Thursday 28th March, 2024. Winners will be announced via the Miles Real Estate Facebook and Instagram pages.
Competition Prizes Collection - Prizes will be available for collection from Thursday 28th March, 2024.
Prizes must be collected from Miles Real Estate Ivanhoe Office before Friday 26th of April, 2024. Prizes will not be posted to prize winners.
Important Notes - Complete the entrants details on the sheet, including the age of the child that has entered and a parent or guardian contact phone number. Only one entry per child can be submitted.
Judges - Front of house Reception + Administration staff Team and our Director, Stewart Oldmeadow.