Changes have been put in place to clarify the rights and responsibilities of renters and rental providers (landlords), in new rental laws that became effective on the 29th of March, 2021.
The new laws cover the complete lifecycle of a rental agreement, which includes before an agreement is signed and after an agreement has ended.
What is changing?
Because at least one in four people rent property in Victoria, these new rules aim to ensure that many of the things that most people expect from a rental property are reflected in the update.
Rental minimum standards have been introduced with clear rules and accountability for renters and rental providers.
Rental providers have further clarification on what renters are accountable for. Updated obligations can assist with improved understanding to support action and resolution if there is a problem.
Rental providers and Property Managers can have a more transparent relationship with renters and the confidence their rental property is being maintained.
Click here to visit Consumer Affairs Victoria and read more about the changes.

Because it's important that everyone is aware of and understands these new laws, our Miles Property Management team are working with our renters and rental providers to offer, reliable advice, expert knowledge and to ensure compliance standards meet with rental law.
Current clients, if you have any additional questions about these new regulations please don't hesitate to contact your Miles Property Manager for more information and support.
NEW Rental Providers (landlords):
Negotiating the rental market as a rental provider can be a time consuming and intimidating process. Miles Real Estate can provide guidance and can assist with all of your property management needs.
Click here to request a rental property appraisal and to connect with a New Client Services Manager.
We look forward to supporting your real estate goals.
Miles Real Estate